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Many of our South Carolina Theater Camps offer Winter Theater Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.
Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Theater Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.
Many of our Theater Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.
Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.
Looking for a Great South Carolina Theater Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best South Carolina Day Theater Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.
Many of our Best South Carolina Summer Theater Camps also offer Year Round Theater Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Theater Programs, too.
Searching for South Carolina Theater Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Theater Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.
View ALL SC Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.
Visit Our South Carolina Children's Theatre Summer Camps and Classes Website
153 Augusta Street
Greenville, SC 29601
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Day
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Theater, Musical Theater, Dance, Music/Band, Science, Academics, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the heart of downtown Greenville's West End District across from the Greenville Drive baseball stadium. Please visit our website for all of the opportunities for your youth and family.
▌Read More about South Carolina Children's Theatre Summer Camps and Classes
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Over 60 camps and classes available for ages 2-Adult. Summer Time is the perfect time to explore one of our Theatre Camps or take a regular 10-week session of Process classes that meet once per week. Camps are one-week, partial-day camps (divided by rising grade level= the grade your child will be in for the coming academic year). One-week camps fit nicely into busy summer schedules and provide an appropriate amount of class time per day pending grade level. You can even pair up a morning and an afternoon session to cover activities for the full day�better than a babysitter.
All theatre training allows for a range of experience levels within the same camp, so beginners will be fine. Most camps end in a "sharing" (an informal low-pressure performance for family & friends) in the final minutes of the last camp day. Parents mark your calendars now so you don't miss your child's 'time to shine.' We will send you a confirmation email when we receive your enrollment�please pay close attention to the details of your camp.
Tuition refunds (less a $30 non-refundable cancellation fee) will be given only with written notification of withdrawal at least 10 days prior to your camp's start date. No refunds will be made after your camp begins. If summer plans change at the last minute, we will gladly switch you to another camp if space is available. Many times we offer a sharing at the end of each camp for families to attend! Check website for details.
Please see our website for complete information!
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South Carolina Childrens Theatre Summer Camps and Classes
Be sure to ask each South Carolina Theater Camp about the amount of theater instruction and the overall intensity of their theater program.
Some Top South Carolina Theater Camps offer rigorous daily theater training and lots of intensive theater experience. Other great South Carolina Camps offer theater as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.
Visit Our Camp Odyssey Website
(864) 646-7502
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0737
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Campers arrive on Sunday and stay through Saturday
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Basketball, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Odyssey is located about 5 miles South of the Clemson Univeristy campus on 100 adventurous acres of pine forest on the edge of Lake Hartwell. Please visit our website for pictures and more information. Or better yet, call and come by for a visit!
CAMP FACILITIES: 18 group cabins, health center, outdoor pool, dining hall, sand volleyball, three amphitheaters, two dock areas, lake for swimming, fishing, and boating, three rustic camping sites, covered picnic pavilion, shelter with built-in grill.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Odyssey is a fun, exciting week filled with cool activities, new friends and awesome staff! During the week, campers may participate in new adventures, including, but not limited to: archery, sailing, arts & crafts, overnight camping, swimming, canoeing, climbing tower and fishing. Campers also get to enjoy an overnight campout, cooking their food over an open flame and having a true outdoor adventure!
Housing is provided in comfortable cabins with 10 single beds for campers and supervising staff. Showers and bathrooms are located within each cabin. Cabin groups are determined by age, providing campers with opportunities to enjoy time with new friends. We have an on-site health center and employ nurses to work and live here during camp.
Camp Odyssey is a perfect program for first time campers, as well as 'veteran' campers who enjoy exciting activities in the outdoors and making new friends.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Discount for additional children from the same family.
July 5-11 2015 Cost: $625 per camper, $525 for additional children from the same family
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Camp Odyssey
Some South Carolina Theater Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.
Some South Carolina Theater Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.
Visit Our Camp Odyssey Website
864 888-0300
109 E. North 1st St.
Seneca, South Carolina 29678
More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.
CAMPER AGES: 6&7, 8&9, 10-13, 14-17
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday - Friday ages 6-9 9:30-11:30, ages 10-17 9:30-3:30
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Theater, Musical Theater, Dance, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Adventure, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located 45 miles south of Greenville, SC in a beautiful 5,000 sq. ft. Conservatory.
▌Read More about M.A.D. Camp (Music, Acting, Dance)
CAMP FACILITIES: Foothills Conservatory has three large studio spaces all with sprung floors and mirrors. We have a kitchen facility for students to use for lunch and storing food.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Students will work with Traysie Amick from the SC Children's Theatre. Traysie is a dynamic theatre instructor and the results are evident. Leah Durham, teacher of the year Anderson School District is the vocal instructor. Vaughn Newman, director of Modern Dance at Foothills Dance Conservatory and Ginny Siano Artistic Director of Foothills Dance Conservatory are the dance instructors.
This is an informative exciting camp for the novice or experienced theatre student. All instructors are acclaimed professionals in their respective fields. Students will perform at Oconee Community Theatre, July 26th at 6:00 pm. The showcase is free to the public.
This project is funded in part by the South Carolina Arts Commission which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts.
July 15-26
Ages 10-13, 14-17
Ages 6&7, 8&9
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MAD Camp Music Acting Dance
Visit Our BROADWAY at USC: Musical Theatre Workshop Website
(803) 777-0704
University of South Carolina Dance Program
324 Sumter Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29208
University of South Carolina Dance Program
ATT: SC Summer Dance Conservatory
324 Sumter Street
Columbia, SC 29208
CAMPER AGES: 12 to 20 years
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily: 9am - 5pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: If you want more than American Idol, and are serious about Musical Theatre - this is the summer program for you. Learn how to be a real “TRIPLE THREAT” for BROADWAY this summer at USC Musical Theatre Workshop, 2015 at University of South Carolina, Dance Studios.
Students ages 12 to 20 have an exclusive opportunity to raise their performance skills to new heights with this integrated musical theatre training program - the first of its kind!
Theater, Musical Theater, Dance, Music/Band, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: This workshop is held in the heart of the University of South Carolina Campus in downtown Columbia, SC inside the beautiful new USC Dance Department dance studios.
▌Read More about BROADWAY at USC: Musical Theatre Workshop
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Broadway at USC Musical Theatre Workshop, in partnership with SC Dance Summer Conservatory brings together iconic Broadway professionals and seasoned USC faculty of the highest caliber for this exclusive integrated musical theatre training program. It is this integration of acting, singing and dance training that we bring to students that it will help raise their performance skills to new heights...and put them on the road to being true Broadway artists!
The 8-day intensive workshop is filled with voice, acting, song interpretation and rigorous 9am-5pm rehearsals as preparation for a final performance.* Every day students will enjoy non-stop, hands-on musical theatre experience and instruction including acting, singing, dance training, song interpretation, performance rehearsal and professional mentorship under the guidance of our star-studded cast of instructors. You will not find a list of faculty like this one anywhere else!
*Final performance repertoire to be chosen from West Side Story, Pippin, and Little Shop of Horrors.
Our Workshop Faculty:
- Program Director: Gillian Scalici Albrecht, iconic actress, singer and veteran of Broadway and international stages
- Production Director: Cindy Flach, USC
- Theatre Director: Stan Brown, USC
- Vocal Coach: Alisa Belflower, USC
- Choreographer: Heather Stokes, USC
Special Guests (All the way from Broadway!!):
- Chrissy Whitehead: Actress/ Broadway Musical sensation
- Steven Gross: Renown Broadway Musical Director
Visit our Camp Facebook page for complete bios at: Our Camp Website Link:
August 1st to August 8th 2015
Daily: 9am to 5pm
Cost: $525- (total)
Visit our website at: Our Camp Website Link:
for more information, our downloadable brochures and application
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BROADWAY at USC Musical Theatre Workshop
Visit Our Camp Cherith in the Carolinas Website
415 Charlie White Trail
Clemson, South Carolina 29670
Camp Cherith in the Carolinas: 14335 Water Stream Dr. Harvest, AL 35749
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Pioneer Clubs
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Cherith in the Carolinas is a non-denominational Christian residential camp for boys and girls ages 7-17 that operates in Clemson, SC. At Camp Cherith, we incorporate our yearly theme, biblical application and FUN at every level.
Theater, Dance, Music/Band, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Basketball, Adventure, and more. Canoeing, Waterskiing, Wake Boarding, Jr. Lifeguard, Air Riflery, Archery, Ropes Course
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Cherith (pronounced "Care-eth") in the Carolinas is held at the Clemson University Outdoor Lab in Clemson, South Carolina. The site sits on a peninsula located on Lake Hartwell. Visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
▌Read More about Camp Cherith in the Carolinas
CAMP FACILITIES: Our home away from home each summer is the Clemson University Outdoor Lab. With a beautiful view of Lake Hartwell, this site gives Camp Cherith in the Carolinas access to many activity choices, including several unique to our camp. Visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Cherith in the Carolinas is accredited by the American Camp Association. What does that mean? Among other things, accreditation means that we meet or exceed standards set by the American Camp Association. It means that our staff is fully trained, our camp is inspected by experts, and our program is safe. Accreditation means that we provide a safe, quality camp that your child will enjoy.
Camp Cherith in the Carolinas is the camping ministry of Pioneer Clubs and is licensed by Pioneer Clubs, and is a member of the Association of Camp Cherith Camps. We are one of six Camp Cherith camps in North America. Camp Cherith in the Carolinas is also a member of the Association of Cedarbrook Camps. Even though we don't use the Cedarbrook name, we are one of 15 Camp Cedarbrook camps in North America. How does this affect you? By working with other camps, Camp Cherith in the Carolinas has access to a network of camps, bringing the best ideas from each together to provide campers with the best time possible. Camp Cherith in the Carolinas is a member of the Christian Camp and Conference Association.
Our volunteer staff is made up of parents and past campers who are dedicated to the mission of our camp. We are an interdenominational Christ-centered camp striving to teach and model "Christ in every aspect of life." Camp Cherith in the Carolinas strives to provide a safe, exciting, enjoyable camp experience for children and adults; encouraging them to establish and strengthen a lasting personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: The Camp Cherith in the Carolinas Camper in Leadership Training Program (C.I.L.T.) is a three-year program for high school aged campers to learn the skills needed to become a staff member. In addition to spending a week at camp each year, C.I.L.T.s attend a weekend retreat during the winter. To be a C.I.L.T., you:
* Must be 16 years of age or finished 8th grade
* Must have at least one week experience as a Cherith camper (exceptions made only with the approval of the director)
* Must display a vital Christian testimony
* Must display leadership ability
* Must demonstrate cooperation and dependability and show a willingness to learn
* Have a desire to minister to children and young people
* Must obtain at least two recommendations - one from the applicant's pastor/youth pastor and one from an adult who has observed the applicant in a position of leadership
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available upon request. Visit Our Camp Website Link: to apply.
OTHER CAMP INFO: At Camp Cherith in the Carolinas, safety is a top goal. That's why everyone, from the camp director to our counselors, are given training in how to keep our campers healthy and safe. Our medical staff consists of a licensed nurse on-site 24 hours a day, and Red Cross certified lifeguards ready to provide care at any time. Camp Cherith is a unique place where our campers have testified that they feel they can truly be themselves. Find us on Facebook and see what we are all about!
Registration is Open for our camp week of July 30-August 5, 2017. Session Fee: $450 (include room, board, and activities for 7 days and 6 nights).
Our staff is volunteer only.Â
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Camp Cherith in the Carolinas
Visit Our Broadway at USC Musical Theatre Workshop Website
324 Sumter Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29208
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9am-5pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Learn what it takes to become a Triple Threat. If you want more than American Idol and want to be a real musical theatre performer, then join our Summer Musical Theatre Workshop at the University of South Carolina. We know that musical theatre is an art form in which music, dance and theatre are equal partners, not inferior servants of one another. During this week-long intensive, you will receive rigorous, interdisciplinary training that focuses on strengthening your body as a dancer, your voice as a singer, and your emotional expression as an actor. In short, this is training designed to help you become a triple threat!
Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on the south side of the beautiful University of South Carolina campus in the Band/Dance Facility.
▌Read More about Broadway at USC Musical Theatre Workshop
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 3 large studios with natural lighting, viewing windows, seating for parents, and pianos.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: From 9am - 5pm, each day is filled with classes in voice, acting, dance and song interpretation. Then, it’s all put together in rehearsals for a final performance for family and friends. It is this strong integration of acting, singing and dance training that we believe will take our students’ performance skills to new heights, and put them on the road to being true Broadway artists.
Please call 803.777.0823 for more information.
Sponsored by
The South Carolina Summer Dance Conservatory
in partnership with
The UofSC Department of Theatre and Dance and the The UofSC School of Music.
July 28th-August 4th 2018
Please check back on our website for updated fees.
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Broadway at USC Musical Theatre Workshop
Visit Our Camp Thunderbird Website
One Thunderbird Lane
Lake Wylie, South Carolina 29710
Watch Our Camp Thunderbird Video
CAMPER AGES: 7-16 (Resident Camp) 5-12 (Day Camp)
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Theater, Dance, Fine Arts/Crafts, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Soccer, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Located on beautiful Lake Wylie, S.C., our 100-acre camp is 20 minutes south of Charlotte, N.C., and is easily accessible from all directions.
▌Read More about Camp Thunderbird
CAMP FACILITIES: We offer cabins with heat and bathrooms as well as fresh-air cabins.
30 cabins with heat, bathroom and bunk beds. 6 fresh-air (screen) cabins with bunk beds and access to a bath house.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Thunderbird is an unforgettable experience that includes adventure, fun, and friendship! Located just 17 miles from Charlotte, N.C., Camp Thunderbird has nationally recognized water programs, including wakeboarding and water skiing.
We offer 28 land activities including horseback riding, skating, high and low ropes courses, sports, and crafts. Our resident camp provides boys and girls an exciting, safe experience that they will remember for a lifetime.
American Camping Association accreditation and a 4:1 camper-to-counselor ratio creates an environment that helps children grow in spirit, mind, and body.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: The Counselor In Training (CIT) program at YMCA Camp Thunderbird is designed to provide leadership experiences specific to camp counseling to rising high school juniors. Though most program participants have attended camp as campers, this is not necessarily a prerequisite.
However, it should be noted that CIT selection is competitive. Candidates must submit a written application (available upon request through the camp office) by December 31, and will be interviewed by telephone during January and February. Candidates are advised of their status early in March.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Thunderbird's Environmental Education program is conveniently located at YMCA Camp Thunderbird on Lake Wylie and offers more than 20 class topics taught by knowledgeable, exemplary staff.
During retreat weekends we offer an excellent team building program that can boost your team's productivity and morale while building upon each other's strengths. Our facilitators customize programs that accomplish your goals. Our team building experience focuses on communication, cooperation, and having fun as a team.
Please visit our website for dates and rates: Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Thunderbird
Visit Our Camp Chatuga Website
(864) 638-3728
291 Camp Chatuga Road
Mountain Rest, SC 29664
Watch Our Camp Chatuga Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Established in 1956. Only private, independent resident camp in SC. Over 30 daily activities offered including horseback, water-skiing, BMX bikes, crafts, archery, riflery and sports. 4:1 camper:counselor ratio for safety and personal attention. Wholesome atmosphere perfect for fun and personal growth through relationships and nature!
Theater, Dance, Music/Band, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Weightloss, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Chatuga is ideally located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of South Carolina and completely surrounded by the Sumter National Forest. Chatuga is 10 miles northwest of Walhalla off Hwy 28 in the northwestern corner of SC (five miles from GA and five miles from NC). Only 2 hours north of Atlanta; 1 1/2 hours west of Greenville, SC; 3 hours southwest of Charlotte. We have our own private lake for swimming, waterskiing and canoeing. Our environment is a beautiful place of nature and peacefulness away from modern technology; a perfect place to be a child.
CAMP FACILITIES: 32 cabins, covered outdoor lodge with with stage and sound system, recreation hall, dining hall, infirmary, outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts, rustic amphitheater (council ring), barn, lake for swimming and water sports, football/soccer field, slip-n-slide, climbing wall, volleyball area, gaga pit.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Established in 1956, Camp Chatuga is a privately owned traditional summer camp offering over 30 daily activities including horseback, water skiing, BMX bikes, crafts, drama, archery, riflery and sports. Depending on the camper's number of years at Chatuga and session choice, exciting day trips include rafting Section 3 of the Chattooga River, taking a canopy zipline tour, visiting a water park or showing one's speed and skills at an all-camp rollerskating party.
Each evening at Camp Chatuga includes a fun-filled, entertaining activity for all to enjoy. These may include theme parties/dances, carnivals, a Counselor Hunt, showing off your talent at Chatuga's Got Talent, or a giant shaving cream fight during Icky Olympics. 4 to 1 camper to counselor ratio for safety and personal attention. Wholesome, family atmosphere perfect for fun and personal growth through relationships and nature! Accredited by the American Camp Association.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Rising 10th and 11th graders do not register online. Rising 10th graders must apply to be Leaders-in-Training and rising 11th graders must apply to be Service Campers. Service Campers get discounted fees in exchange for some work. You may print and submit the LIT/SC application found under Dates, Rates and Forms on our website as these spots fill quickly.
This active weekend for parents and children includes activities like Canoeing, Archery, Horseback, Crafts, evening programs, and porch time. Why should only kids have all the fun?! If you grew up attending camp, this is a wonderful way to share it with your child; if you are new to camp, come see what it’s all about. Family Camp is a great opportunity to spend quality time together in our beautiful rustic setting with all scheduling, cabin assignments, and hot meals included.
Family Camp runs Friday night May 1, through Sunday morning May 3. Registration is $180 per parent-child couple, plus $90 per additional adult. Each additional child receives a $40 discount after registration. We assign lodging based on family make-up; please let us know at registration if you want to room with a particular family.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Chatuga accommodates retreat groups in the fall and spring.
Group Rental Includes:
Covered outdoor lodge with stage and sound system
Large 50 x 100 yard ballfield for athletic events
Dining hall that seats 200 with audio/visual capabilities
Large outdoor council ring with bench seating and campfire pit
Smaller campfire pit for a more intimate gathering
Recreation hall with games
Tennis courts
Basketball court
Volleyball net
Lake for swimming and canoeing
Cabins hold 4 to 10 guests, many with their own interior bathroom. We offer many different set-ups of cabins, from duplex-style to single units, all with bunk beds. Many of the cabins are “winterized” for fall and early spring reservations.
Meal service is provided for groups of 30 or more for an additional fee per meal/per person. Groups of less than 30, meals can be negotiated.
For groups fewer than 30, we offer an outdoor grill, refrigeration, ice machine and sinks at no extra cost.
Lodging: $25 a night per person
Meals: $8 per meal per person (all-you-can-eat)
For groups of 70 or more, additional activities are available, including archery, riflery, leader-led hikes, team-building, and swimming with certified lifeguards. Call for fee details.
We have a no-alcohol policy.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Rising 10th and 11th graders do not register online. Rising 10th graders must apply to be Leaders-in-Training and rising 11th graders must apply to be Service Campers. Service Campers get discounted fees in exchange for some work. You may print and submit the application found under Dates, Rates and Forms on our website as these spots fill quickly.
Horse Camp
June 7-13 (Girls only ages 12-15) $945
One Week (ages 6-16):
A1 June 14-20 $945
A2 June 21-27 $945
B1 June 28 - July 4 $945
B2 July 5-11 $945
C1 July 12-18 $945
C2 July 19-25 $945
Two Weeks (ages 6-16):
A June 14-27 $1890
B June 28 - July 11 $1890
C July 12-25 $1890
Three Weeks (ages 6-16):
BC1 June 28 - July 18 $2985
B2C July 5-25 $2985
Four Weeks (ages 6-16):
BC June 28 - July 25 $3930
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Camp Chatuga
Indian Waters Council
PO Box 144
715 Betsy Drive
Columbia, SC 29202
Visit the website for more info.
YMCA Camp Thunderbird
One Thunderbird Lane
Lake Wylie, SC 29710
Visit the website for more information.
SOUTH CAROLINA THEATER CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best South Carolina Summer Theater Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.
SOUTH CAROLINA THEATER CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER THEATER CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.
In addition to our 2025 South Carolina Summer Theater Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.
You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.
Top Ten Reasons to Attend Theater Camp
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